Saturday, June 23, 2012

DJ Headphones Versus Standard Headphones

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They're called DJ headphones for a reason: they're built to meet the needs and rigorous use of DJs rather than just casual listeners. But that doesn't mean that audiophiles and regular music lovers can't enjoy a pair of DJ headphones. For one thing, DJ headphones often provide superior sound over standard headphones. They tend to employ powerful drivers that faithfully reproduce low and high range sounds and deliver every nuance of the music being played.

 This elevated quality is essential for DJs because they need to hear every beat to mix well when they perform. But that doesn't mean regular folks can enjoy the superb sound as well! Better sounding music is better sounding music no matter who is listening. Another benefit of DJ headphones is that they're built to last. They have to be. While regular music listeners use their headphones casually (usually), DJs are required to take theirs on the road for gigs, they toss them in heavy equipment bags, pull them on and off their head during sets, twist and pull the cord, and administer other regular abuses.As a result, top DJ headphone manufacturers know that they need to build their product very well so that they can withstand the beating they're bound to take. But once again, a long lasting well constructed product doesn't just benefit DJs and music producers.

Anyone can appreciate a quality pair that's constructed well and lasts and lasts. The same goes with comfort. DJ headphones tend to be built for comfort compared to most standard headphones because the people who wear them do so for extended periods of time. In some cases, for hours and hours at a time. Even casual listeners can appreciate this during long flights, for wearing them to sleep, or in the case of noise reduction (another typical feature of DJ headphones) when trying to drown out noise to get work done. So whether you're a DJ or just someone who loves music, you should consider broadening your search beyond standard headphones. After all, DJ headphones may be built for DJs. But that doesn't mean that regular listeners won't really enjoy the superior sound, quality and comfort as well. Don't forget to look in Headphone jack for another information.

by Alan Saltz.

Here is more BESTSELLER DJ HEADPHONES selection :

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