Monday, July 2, 2012

What you should do if your stereo headphones cable was broken

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What you should do if your stereo headphones cable was broken? I took this case from the one who has send a letter to someone site. And this is the story >> " I have a pair of stereo headphones, I got them on Amazon. Now, the right headphone stops producing sound, To fix that i need to move/shake the tip of the cable (the one before that part of tip which goes inside the headphone jack on the laptop). But as time goes, this sort of fix helps less and less. It looks that the cable is a bit broken at the place where I shake/move cable. Is that the end of use of my headphones? Is that a reject of the device? Is there a way to fix it, for example, changing the very tip of the cable at the very end of it? "

 You may also have the same problem for this headphone cable, and this is the answer >>
 That cable- or, to be more precise, its junction with the connector-is broken. This happens quite a lot with cheap headphones, but also expensive headphones might suffer from this-it all depends on how your use them and how gently you treat the cables.
Makers of expensive headphones often design them in such a way that cables can be replaced easily by just buying a new one, then clipping it back to the headphones themselves. This will cost you from $10 to $25, maybe more. It depends.

 As for your headphones, if they were cheap, you basically have three options:

  • Try and see if Amazon replace the headphones under warranty. This however depends on your local customer laws and how old the headphones are (and, if they show any kind of damage).
  • Buy a new pair. It's probably not worth the repair costs. 
  • Find a friend who can solder new cables on, or fix the existing connection. You can buy replacement connectors for sure, then it's just a matter of attaching them to the cables again. 

 When shopping for headphones, check other customer reviews and see if they had problems with the connectors. For example, I have a pair of Shure headphones (in-ears) that are known for their weak cables. I literally had to buy a new cable every 6 months or so. My new ultimate ears have been working for more than a year though.

Or you can also chopping off the end of the cable, stripping the cover burning the ends of the  wires with a very hot flame to remove the coating on them, and soldiering them to a new connector should do the trick.

If the headphones look like you can beat someone with it, and they'll be more hurt that you are, they're good :), see if you can get a set with a full metal 3.5mm plug, as opposed to plastic.

 Finally, know how to treat your cables. Don't pull on the cable. Pull on the connector itself, and never wrap the cable too tightly.

Here is more HEADPHONE CABLE selection that you can buy :

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